
In the previous article we talked about the struggles with anxiety during the pandemic. This is a troubling time, and many of us are in a circumstance that we could not have been predicted: stuck inside for almost all day. This will likely help us re-think how grateful we are for our freedom to walk…

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We live in a very uncertain time right now given the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, otherwise known as COVID-19. Many people are losing jobs, whereas others are losing loved ones. The pandemic is a source of great suffering for billions of people all over the world. News stories come out every day showing the…

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corona virus

Medical: The treatment team at PCI deeply recognizes that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused immense challenges and has upended many facets of normal life, but uniquely impacts those suffering with addiction. Extreme measures such as social distancing and remaining homebound during this time can amplify feelings of loneliness and isolation, which can lead vulnerable people…

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Why Wellness? Research has always shown that healthy relationships are the foundation of health and well-being. The problem is, we often struggle with relationships and other aspects of well-being, or wellness, in a way that results in mental health problems. Often, due to busy work lives or intense social obligations, we slowly begin neglecting our basic needs to…

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addiction disorder treatment

At PCI Centers, we are mostly known for our addiction disorder treatment. We have helped many to discover and eventually overcome the underlying traumas and other issues that have made them more vulnerable to addictions. That’s often the focus of our Intensive Outpatient Program. However, we also offer other treatments for those in our Outpatient…

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adaptive coping mechanisms

Adaptive Coping Mechanisms: Maladaptive Coping  Bad things happen to us every day. Maybe there’s an accident ahead of you on the highway that makes you late for work. Perhaps you come home to find that your kids have broken something valuable. Maybe a partner has broken up with you, or some other negative thing has…

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alcohol treatment in LA

The image of someone that’s struggling with an addiction to alcohol often seems to be someone that is, well, struggling. We tend to think of them in dirty clothes, unable to move out of bed, drinking only very early in the morning, not holding down their job, and so forth. Yes, there are many people…

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anger management help

Everyone gets angry. When things go wrong or something makes you upset, you get angry. That’s natural. But, what’s not natural is when your anger doesn’t go away or when you’re angry seemingly all of the time. Some people genuinely need anger management help. That said, it’s not easy to always tell the difference between…

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quality sober living

Simply staying sober might not actually be quality sober living. Certainly, living sober is better than the alternative. But, there’s more to life than just staying sober. At PCI Centers, we work with our residents on wellness. Changing previous behavior is a major portion of that, stopping the negative habits and traits that might have…

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