alcohol addiction treatment

History is full of stories about people who drank too much, depicting “partying” all the time – such as with the Greek deity Bacchus. Or its counter-opposite is portraying them as needy and homeless. The reality is that many people who need alcohol addiction treatment fall somewhere in between these two extremes. During the COVID-19…

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join family night

As a part of ongoing efforts to support our community amid the outbreak of COVID-19, PCI is offering an open and interactive virtual discussion with Dr. Miriam Hamideh and Dr. Joshua Diamond to patients, friends, and family to provide helpful information and respond to any concerns. We will be discussing what measures PCI is taking…

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how to help someone with drug addiction and depression

Helping someone with drug addiction and depression is difficult but necessary undertaking in order to restore a healthier lifestyle. A struggle with addiction and mental health disorder affects more than just the individual who is diagnosed. Friends and family members may feel continually stressed, guilty, or helpless while watching a loved one grow more distant…

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common relationship problems

There are several common relationship problems to consider. Do you feel that you are experiencing relationship problems? While every relationship may be unique, there are a few common relationship problems most people experience from time to time. In most cases, a couple can work through issues in a way that improves both your communication and…

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types of depression disorders

Humans have struggled with depression throughout history. Long before depression became a clinical diagnosis, well-known individuals were observed as suffering from the sorrow, melancholy, and hopelessness that characterizes this condition. As our society progresses, data indicates that the occurrence of depression is progressing, too. More people are struggling with it and at younger ages. Types…

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What are the Different Types of Addiction

What are the different types of addiction? An addiction is currently recognized as any activity that a person thinks about and engages to the point that it negatively affects other areas of life. In historical times, the term first referred to being a slave. It then evolved to describe the experience of being strongly attached…

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online cognitive behavioral therapy

Online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is here. As the world has shifted into the structure brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, people are learning how to approach problems in a new way. Social distancing and virus containment measures mean that work, school, recreation, and healthcare require adapting to a world that is much different than it…

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how to prevent relapse

Studies have consistently shown that around 50% of people who set out on the journey to sobriety will experience at least one incident of relapse. The occurrence is so common, that some substance abuse professionals are even considering that the concept of relapse should be included in addiction treatment. One of the tenets in Narcotics…

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telehealth counseling

Restrictions on social interactions as prompted by the pandemic of COVID-19 on American soil are being slowly lifted. As many governmental leaders are repeatedly emphasizing, this easing of social distancing guidelines doesn’t mean that life is returning to the way it was, before. People are still being encouraged to keep a good distance between themselves,…

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