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Putting You First.
PCI is fully equipped in tackling the toughest challenges with you.

Conditions We Treat

At PCI, we put in the effort and time to accurately diagnose your mental health to determine the most appropriate treatment for your condition.

Home Conditions We Treat


Experts in Psychological Treatments for all Conditions

Our family of clinicians has specialized experience and training. With over 20 years of experience we have treated nearly all aspects of psychological conditions. Thorough understanding and education is a
staple in PCI’s mission.

Because the field of mental health is fraught with myths, we seek to provide clarity about the psychological issues you or your loved one might be currently facing.

Please feel free to look through the conditions we treat below to learn more.

Learn More About Common Psychological Conditions

Psychological conditions are diverse in their causes, symptoms, and the most effective ways they can be treated. Despite our individualized and unique approach taken with every patient, broad categorization of common conditions is useful.

Many, but not all conditions fit into one of the following categories. We have provided information about each class of conditions, to better help you understand what you or a loved one may be experiencing.

Depression Disorders & Treatment

Depression is a mood state, which typically looks like low energy, sadness, and other self-defeating behaviors and thoughts. But, not all depression symptoms affect people the same way.

Trauma Disorders

The hard truth is that, for many of us, having to endure scary and overwhelming experiences like car accidents, assaults, and more is normal. Not everyone who experiences danger of feels overwhelmed will become “traumatized”. Sometimes we are so overwhelmed that we develop trauma disorders. Why?

How Do Disorders Develop?

Research shows that many people develop PTSD because we lack supportive relationships, or lack skills and resources to manage these feelings adaptively.

Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety is normal, because it tells us we feel unsafe or uncertain about something that’s happening. We can feel anxious all on our own, remembering distressing things or worrying about the future, all of which is normal for most people.

There is a significant difference between normal anxiety and the anxiety requiring treatment.

Bipolar Disorders

The word “bipolar” is tossed around rather frequently. Most of us experience mood shifts when our life circumstances change, which is normal.

Addiction Disorders

Another word people use often is “addict”. Many people regularly consume mind-altering substances like caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, cannabis, and more. Where is the line between regular substance use and problematic use? What’s the difference between substance abuse and problematic use? What’s the difference between problematic substance use and “addiction”. The last 20 years of neuroscience research has helped us know the difference between types of drug use behavior and its impact on the brain and body.

Relationship Problems

Wherever we go and whatever we do, other people are needed. Why? Because, humans are social by nature. The more connected we are the better our chances of thriving and managing our emotions. The problem, however, is that we often struggle in our relationships to the point where we get stuck in unhealthy cycles. For example, many people are stuck in patterns of arguing and fighting that lead to multiple breakups and repairing. This unending cycle of fighting and coping might require professional therapy, especially if one or both are coping with drugs or alcohol.

Also, when a loved one is sick family or romantic partners get involved to nurse them back to health (i.e., caretaking). The problem with caretaking in families with addiction or mental illness, however, is that it usually isn’t caring, but typically “rescuing”. With someone struggling with addiction or a mental health issue, rescuing (e.g., keeping people from growing by helping them avoid consequences) can worsen their problems, and create an unhealthy dynamic between people. Caretaking can even infest entire families. When dynamics like this develop it’s important to start family counseling to break this fear-driven way of being. Families must learn new boundaries for everyone to heal and grow.

Personality Disorders

We all have a unique way of seeing and operating in the world. Moreover, we tend to operate in patterned ways in relationships. Our “personality” is complex to define from a biological, psychological, and social point of view. Basically, a mixture of genetic tendencies (e.g. temperament) and life experiences shape our social style across our childhood and young adult development. For some, their personality style is not adaptive for a variety of settings and relationships.

Failure to Launch

This phrase has become very common in the last few years. Many young adults (ages 18-28), and teens, are struggling with the “launch” from their family homes. It’s becoming more difficult for many young people to get into a work or school environment where they are more independent. Part of becoming a healthy adult is a meaningful sense of individuality. Typically, leaving home helps young adults/teens continue developing their identity.

Feel free to contact us if you’re feeling unsure about what to do next, or if you think your child is struggling with ”failure to launch” issues.

Looking for more information about Psychological Conditions or potential addiction treatments?

Although many conditions fall within these common categories, not all of them do.

Mental health and psychological conditions are complex and often deceiving. Without the proper knowledge, background, and experience they can be misdiagnosed and thus mistreated. This at best is harmless, but more often than not, can be dangerous.

Whether or not your concern does fit into one of the above categories, it is best to connect with us. We can provide you with the answers you need, offer accurate and thoughtful guidance on how to best move forward. Mental health, happiness, and prosperity is our mutual goal, but it is unachievable alone… contact us

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