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Dual Diagnosis Treatment Program

PCI has a team of highly qualified professionals with experience treating concurrent mental health and substance abuse disorders, also referred to as dual diagnosis.

Home Dual Diagnosis Treatment Program

Dual Diagnosis Treatment in Thousand Oaks and Surrounding Areas

PCI Centers is a dual-diagnosis facility offering compassionate care from a knowledgeable team, having developed a program based on years of clinical and research experience. Contact us immediately if you or a loved one requires assistance treating a dual diagnosis disorder.

what is dual diagnosis


What is dual diagnosis?

Dual diagnosis, also used to refer to "co-occurring" disorders, is a term used to describe when someone is struggling with two different diagnoses at the same time. Most commonly, someone who receives a dual diagnosis treatment has a substance use disorder and a mental health issue.

Each diagnosis feeds the other. In other words, those with mental health issues like anxiety, depression, or trauma may use substances to cope, and those who use substances like drugs, medication, or alcohol experience worsening mental health.


Benefits of PCI’s dual diagnosis treatment program

When you arrive for care at PCI, you will be surrounded by licensed professionals and knowledgeable staff who are specialized in supporting your transition from alcohol or drug addiction to a healthy and sober life. Your intensive outpatient treatment will consist of:

  • A comprehensive biopsychosocial assessment and treatment plan
  • Individual therapy with a primary therapist assigned to you
  • A mix of substance use and mental health primary groups
  • Family psychotherapy if you want to include your loved ones in your recovery
  • Medical evaluations for a more holistic view of your condition
  • Vocational career counseling to support re-integration in your work life
benefits of pcis dual diagnosis treatment program


Is dual diagnosis treatment right for me?

If you are struggling with mental health and substance use issues simultaneously, it is vital that you receive dual diagnosis treatment. If you were previously diagnosed with either, or still have unresolved issues, you should seek intensive outpatient treatment immediately. Contact us today to connect with a care specialist, and find out if PCI is the right fit for you, or your loved one.

If you have been previously diagnosed with a co-occurring mental illness and some sort of substance use disorder, then treatment for dual diagnosis is the way to go for you. In addition, to ensure that you should be seeking treatment, you can take the following measures:

  • Speak with your primary physician about it
  • Speak with a licensed mental health professional
  • Speak with us here at PCI
is dual diagnosis treatment right for me
treatment center for dual diagnosis


How would you or a loved one find a treatment center for dual diagnosis?

Every individual is different when it comes to mental illness and addiction. No two mental illnesses are alike, just like no two addictions are alike. Even if two people have the same mental illness or addiction, they present it in vastly different ways. For this reason, treatment for dual diagnosis is not the same for everybody and is individualized for each patient and their specific history, condition, and psychiatric needs. Each treatment center, including us at PCI, takes consideration and the utmost care when working with individuals to meet their personalized treatment needs to ensure the best possible recovery.


What should you expect during the dual diagnosis treatment process itself?

When you arrive for care at your treatment center of choice, you will be surrounded by licensed professionals and knowledgeable staff who have your best interests in mind at all times. They all desire to assist you in transitioning from alcohol or drug addiction to sober living and healthier life.

Regarding the length of treatment, every individual is different, and every individual's needs will be different. The most common treatment for someone just starting out with getting treated is residential treatment. This is especially common if the diagnoses are more severe, and, commonly, the individual's treatment would have to be more prolonged. The individual would need to be monitored around the clock, meaning they would need to reside at the treatment center for an extended period. This type of treatment is called residential treatment. Here at PCI, we can connect you to a trusted network of facilities that have established a good track record of treatment. This is extremely common, especially for substance use disorders co-occurring with some sort of mental illness, as these two diagnoses often go hand-in-hand.

Usually, detoxification for the substance use disorder would begin first, as this helps the individual to become more clear-headed. After the detox process is over, we can start the primary care portion of the process for the mental illness side of the dual diagnosis.

While treating the individual for their dual diagnosis, it is also fairly common to participate in support groups, such as Alcohol Anonymous (AA), Al-Anon, and SMART recovery meetings. This is a fantastic opportunity to interact with other people who may share a similar story as them. This also helps them feel less alone when going through this process.

dual diagnosis treatment process
dual process


Are there any potential risks associated with this type of care?

The benefits of this type of treatment far outweigh the risks of treatment. In fact, it is riskier to go untreated, both for the individual and their family and the general public, especially if the presenting symptoms are more severe.

The risks for the individual if it goes untreated are:

  • Obvious health-related risks—the addictive substance of choice (especially alcohol and hard-core drugs) can take a severe toll on the individual's internal organs, including the kidneys, liver, and especially the brain. This includes the kidneys and liver shutting down and just not working anymore. The lungs would eventually become blocked and/or have a lot of "gunk" building up, causing the individual to have more difficulty breathing (this is more common in chain-smoking and heavy smokers).
  • If the substance and/or alcohol abuse persists even more, then the brain can eventually start shutting down, as well.
completing a dual diagnosis program


What are some key concepts to keep in mind when completing post-treatment care and relapse prevention planning after successfully completing a dual diagnosis program?

Relapse is prevalent for those recovering from an addiction, especially a dual diagnosis that includes drug and/or alcohol addiction. It is not expected for the individual in recovery to be 100% perfect in the process. In the case of a relapse, there are a few steps to take.

  1. The first step would be to discuss it with someone who you trust, such as a family member or friend or a sponsor, and then get to an AA, NA, etc. meeting, preferably one that is happening sooner rather than later (the sooner you get to a meeting, the better). The highest chance of relapse is likely to occur within the first 90 days (first three months) after treatment completion.
  2. Next step would be to go back into treatment, even for a shorter period. You will not necessarily need to be in therapy for an extended time for a relapse (unless the relapse was severe enough to warrant going back into a residential treatment program for an extended period).

Answers to commonly asked questions about Dual Diagnosis Treatment Programs

How common is dual diagnosis?

Dual diagnosis is prevalent, with a significant portion of individuals facing substance use disorders also experiencing mental health disorders.

What therapeutic approaches are used in dual diagnosis treatment?

Integrated interventions, combining mental health and substance use focused group therapy, along with individual therapy, comprehensive medical evaluations, and vocational assessments, if applicable.

How long does dual diagnosis treatment typically last?

Treatment duration varies, but comprehensive programs often involve a combination of short-term intensive interventions and longer-term support for sustained recovery.

Are medications prescribed in dual diagnosis treatment?

Medications may be part of the treatment plan to manage mental health symptoms and support recovery from substance use. This is determined per the patient’s history, our medical director’s assessment, and the client’s existing psychiatrist recommendations (if applicable).

Is family involvement important in dual diagnosis treatment?

Involving family members can be very beneficial to healing old wounds and creating a healthier environment of support. If clients consent, we involve family members in the treatment process, whether through family sessions, or through our free evening support groups.

Is dual diagnosis treatment covered by insurance?

Coverage varies, but many insurance plans include provisions for mental health and substance abuse treatment. Contacting your insurance provider can clarify the extent of coverage. Speak with our care coordinator to discuss payment options.

How does dual diagnosis treatment address underlying trauma?

Our biopsychosocial assessments are designed to get the best understanding of your history and challenges in order to provide the treatment that is right for you. We use a holistic approach, considering your family system, social environment, medical conditions, nutritional needs, maladaptive behaviors, and more. Our psychological professionals are dedicated to providing trauma-informed therapy, as well as culturally-informed care.

What happens after completing a dual diagnosis treatment program?

After completing a program, individuals often transition to aftercare or continuing support. This may involve ongoing therapy, support groups, and strategies for maintaining recovery in daily life.

The sooner you get help in recovery, the better it will be for you and your overall health and well-being. It is also essential to have people around you who will support you in your recovery journey. It is a lifelong journey with many peaks and valleys. It is often a difficult journey, but it is worth it if you want to overcome your addiction and get a better handle on your mental illness and erase the stigma of mental illness. If you're going to take the first step in getting treatment, give us a call at PCI at 1 (747) 222-7464.

We look forward to working with you in your recovery journey!

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