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Treatment Philosophy

Home PCI Philosophy

Our Philosophy

PCI provides a holistic and innovative model to managing mental health and substance abuse – one that blends contemporary theory, sound clinical practice, and ongoing research. Proper treatment for mental health and addiction requires a comprehensive approach, which our diverse clinical team is highly trained in offering. PCI integrates psychological, medical, occupational, social, and spiritual dimensions to serve our patients needs. We focus on addressing underlying root causes while establishing practical and attainable goals to guide patients through their recovery.

Biopsychosocial Approach

At PCI, we utilize a truly biopsychosocial approach. When we analyze research on mental health and substance use treatment outcomes, we see that many people quickly relapse if they attempt to immediately stop a problem behavior or gain short-term symptom relief. But why? The cause and treatment for addiction and mental health issues are not solely psychological or simply situational. Certain incidents contribute to diagnosable issues, but are not the sole causes. Rather, addiction and other mental health problems arise from a bio-psycho-social matrix of issues. This is why PCI employs a more complex approach to treatment that incorporates a patient’s history, environment, and physical and emotional wellbeing.


Relationship-Driven Treatment

Since the birth of psychology, indeed, research has shown that healthy relationships are the foundation of health and well-being. We want to develop a healthy relationship with every client we have the honor of treating. Through mindfully compassionate relationships we at PCI believe we can help you, or your loved one(s), grow and recover.

What is Wellness?

According to U.C. Davis,,“Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life. Wellness is more than being free from illness, it is a dynamic process of change and growth.”

PCI’s goal is helping you achieve a lifestyle of wellness. This means having a balanced mind-body relationship that goes beyond abstinence, holding a job or other general ideas. Wellness, in the context of your unique life circumstances, includes healthily interdependent relationships, physical health maintenance, spiritual understanding, mindful living, honesty, integrity, and so many more important facets that make up our character or personhood. Moreover, we can help you fundamentally alter the way you see and participate in the world.

7 Domains of Wellness



Who works at PCI?

Meet our team, predominantly psychologists, who specialize in treating addictions and other mental illnesses. Moreover, we pride ourselves in relying on a diversity of ideas, modalities, and areas of expertise.


What we treat?

We treat a variety of mental illnesses, which include addiction, depression, anxiety, and PTSD. Yes, addiction indeed is a mental illness, or a “brain disease” according to the U.S. Surgeon General. Learn more about what we treat here.


PCI Centers | Intensive Outpatient Care Ventura County

28th July, 2018

Our Approach

The PCI approach is wellness-oriented. From the moment you first call until the time you finish your healing journey with us, you will interact with some of the most mindful, genuine, and focused people. We are all attuned to the patient’s recovery, and personal growth, needs. Because our treatment philosophy is relationship-driven, however, we believe that any interaction with a client or their family member is important.

Through mindfully compassionate relationships we at PCI believe we can help you, or your loved one(s), grow and recover–never rushing to “get someone sober,” because, on the contrary, sobriety is not the end goal. Sobriety, indeed, is a “side effect” of our end goal. Our end goal, however, at PCI is a lifestyle of wellness. This means having a balanced mind-body relationship that goes beyond abstinence, holding a job or other obvious ideas. Wellness, in the context of your unique life circumstances, includes healthily interdependent relationships, physical health maintenance, spiritual understanding, mindful living, honesty, integrity, and so many more important facets that make up our character or personhood. Moreover, we can help you fundamentally alter the way you see and participate in the world.

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