What is Anxiety?
In terms of mental health, anxiety is an emotion that consists of an unpleasant state of inner turmoil characterized by nervous behavior, dread over anticipated events, or even the feeling of imminent death. These feelings of unease and constant worry can be both founded and unfounded, often stemming from “overreactions” or catastrophizing thought processes. However, anxiety has very tangible effects on the body, such as restlessness, muscular tension, fatigue, and problems in concentration. For successful anxiety treatment, we must first understand the different types. There are many different kinds of anxiety, each stemming from different kinds of concerns or emotional situations, and lasting for differing periods of time. Anxiety can be either a short-term state or a long-term trait.
Symptoms of Anxiety
The physiological symptoms of anxiety are varying in terms of intensity and recurrence, but they can affect the body in many different ways and it almost every area. Neurological symptoms, for example, include headaches, vertigo, abnormal sensations, and lightheadedness. There are respiratory symptoms, such as shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, and cardiac symptoms, such as tachycardia, chest pains, and palpitations. The digestive system is also known for suffering quite a lot under anxiety, which can manifest in nausea, indigestion, dry mouth, bolus, abdominal pain, or diarrhea. Muscular symptoms can be tremors, fatigue, and even tetanic seizures. There can also be cutaneous consequences of anxiety, such as perspiration and itchy skin, as well as urogenital, such as frequent urgency, impotence, urinary urgency, pain during intercourse, and pelvic pain.
Anxiety Disorders
There are a variety of mental disorders associated with anxiety as their main symptom. These are referred to as anxiety disorders, and there are different kinds, each characterized by its own causes. The most talked about is known as generalized anxiety disorder, which consists of long-lasting anxiety that is not necessarily focused or specific to a certain situation. This non-specific persistent worry can result in fatigue, restlessness, muscle tension, irritability, sleep disturbance, and concentration problems. Because of how pervasive anxiety disorders can be, they need to be addressed in a variety of different ways, such as medication or counseling.
Social anxiety disorder, for one, describes intense anxiety and fear over social situations due to the realities or possibilities of public scrutiny, humiliation, public embarrassment, or just social interaction in general. Panic disorders, another kind of anxiety disorder, consist of brief attacks of intense apprehension or terror that are triggered by stress, general fear, or irrational thoughts. Other kinds of anxiety disorders include agoraphobia, separation anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and situational anxiety.
Anxiety Treatment
There are many different approaches to treating anxiety treatment, all of which will depend on the specific case of the subject at hand. Therapy is a first-line treatment, for its consistency and recurrence can help the person develop tools of their own in order to deal with a variety of different situations. Medications are also implemented as part of anxiety treatment, but since every person’s experience with anxiety will be different, it often takes a while to find the right medication dosage for a person. Due to the long-term effects of anxiety, it is recommended to seek professional anxiety treatment in order to keep it from interfering with one’s life in any serious way.