adult adhd diagnosis is increasingly common

Adult ADHD Overdiagnosis: In recent years, there’s been a growing concern that ADHD is being diagnosed too often in adults. More people are aware of ADHD now, and the criteria for diagnosis have changed, making it easier to label someone with the condition. Some argue that this wider definition can sometimes include normal behaviors, especially…

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how to control anger

Why It’s Difficult to Control Anger: Anger is a natural emotion that everyone experiences. While often perceived negatively, it can be a constructive force, helping individuals express their concerns and drive change. However, when mismanaged, anger can escalate into violence and rage. Anger is understood to be a secondary emotion. Secondary emotions are the emotions…

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self diagnosing is on the rise

With global internet access, people can now read information on almost any topic at their fingertips. This is particularly tempting for those curious about private experiences and health-related issues. While the accuracy of online information is questionable, it remains a free option in a costly healthcare system. Additionally, finding a trustworthy and safe professional can…

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stress affects physical and mental health

Reduce Stress to Improve Physical Health: Stress relief is vital for maintaining overall health and well-being, as chronic stress can have debilitating effects on both the mind and body. Persistent stress is linked to numerous health issues, including heart disease, hypertension, depression, and weakened immune function. Stress triggers secretion of cortisol and adrenaline, affecting our…

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